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Generalised IP geolocation through R
Any chance support for IPv6 addresses may be added in the future? It would be nice. I think right now it produces NA values. Reprex: ``` r rgeolocate::ip_info("2600:8804:6103:d00:9422:e") #> city...
asn option in rgeolocate not working when accessing MaxMind Enterprise database.
This field is present in MaxMind cities DB (both the free GeoLite2 City and the proprietary GeoIP City databases). Unfortunately, I could'nt add it to the test_that tests, considering that...
The structure of output from ip-api.com has changed; as consequence the output of `ip_to_df()` is messed up. The proposed update of `ip_to_df.cpp` restores order of fields.
In Fedora, we had a bug report that rgeolocate had stopped building. Apparently, -lrt used to be in the default linking flags inherited from R, but now it is not....
Some city names show character encoding errors. E.g. ```R library(rgeolocate) maxmind("", "geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb", "city_name") ``` gives output `Düsseldorf` in RStudio's console as well as in displayed data frames. As far as...
Binding for IP stack (https://ipstack.com/) would be great. They provide a great free tier suitable for commercial use (which is quite rare). Here is the documentation https://ipstack.com/documentation
Fixed lookup of "trait" records" (i.e. ASN, ASO, Connection etc) Also added "user_type" which is the type (i.e. Hosting, Corporate) This has only been testes with a full commercial binary...
CRAN wants all the sprintfs changed to snprintf, but I'm about as good at C as I am at defusing semtex. Drew, any chance you'd be willing to make this...
Hi, I'm one the maintainers of the [Web Technoologies Task View](https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/WebTechnologies.html), which lists your package. It's no longer on CRAN. Do you have plans to resubmit to CRAN? * https://github.com/cran-task-views/WebTechnologies/issues/535...