Peng Wei

Results 8 issues of Peng Wei

Thank you for sharing your great work. I have been working on making my own dataset with 3D joints and SMPL parameters. The data provided by you [link]( is impressive....

Hi,I added the command `set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS} -std=c++11")` in the 197 row of main CmakeList file as intrduced [here]( becase I met some errors about c++11 features. But still got errors...

Hi, thank you for your great work. I have a question about processing Human3.6M dataset. The question occurs when I vis the joints_2d value of one frame. For example, in...

Thank you for sharing the great work. I have met some questions when using your method. Here is a picture (s_01_act_02_subact_01_ca_01_000001) of the visualization of the produced human 3d joint...

I am a noob and had trouble training the net beause of limited resouce. Could some one offer me a trained model to test the result? that would be very...

Thank you for your great work! I am comparing the differences of the source code for generating pkl files for training from nuscenes dataset. Till now, I succeed in making...

Hi, thank you for your work. I have a question about how to train multiple datasets. For example, when I wanted to train aic and COCO dataset together, I used...

你好,在执行到这一步的时候, ` this->superPoint = std::shared_ptr (new SuperPoint(superpoint_model_name)); ` 出现报错 ```SuperGlueNet Not Creat !!! L2Norm Not Creat !!! SuperGlueNet Creat Done !!! L2Norm Creat Done !!! Signal: SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ```...