Ethan J. Brown

Results 66 issues of Ethan J. Brown

I had some slightly different reqs, but used some of your code as inspiration for deploying Node apps with Capistrano. In particular, sharing `node_modules` seemed like a really great idea....

Really old comments.. not sure if they're relevant anymore - BUG in concurrency code -- when filtering on inputs and reducing incoming duplicates, it also necessary to grab multiples out...

Heres how libgit2sharp does it ->

This could be garbage... but here it is anyhow! ``` Exception: Message: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'this'. Source: EPS.Concurrency StackTrace: at EPS.Concurrency.ManualJobExecutionQueue`2.ThrowIfDisposed() in C:\Source\Labs.Master\Common\EPS.Concurrency\ManualJobExecutionQueue.cs:line 111 at EPS.Concurrency.ManualJobExecutionQueue`2.StartUpTo(Int32...

`kots install` currently has a `--local-path` flag that is exposed but doesn't appear implemented - Implementing that flag would make for a very convenient dev workflow to verify local...

- When building a tools container for use in development / CI that contains KOTS, to able to access the admin-console portforward from the system hosting the container, the port...

Wondering if it might be worth adding kubesec here as well. Thanks!

So I just gave `background: true` a shot. While it does indeed allow other tasks to keep chugging along, I'm not even sure that it's running. I don't see any...


I'm not sure if the latest merged PR #45 was intended to be consumed publicly, but the kernel image resulting from building at that SHA will not launch containers in...