Dispatch =>promise 实在好,明天准备试一试
使用roadhog2.0,import "@babel/polyfill" 并没有生效
I have found an API of Table named rowClassName, it did can add className for table row, but the new issue is how can I apply to my .css file....
我也遇到了 python版本:3.7.8 airtest版本:1.2.0 pocoui:1.0.82 设备: 型号 Huawei Honor 9 STF-AL00 Android 7.0 EMUI5.1.1
简易版`Object.create`不知道是否这样更合适 ``` function createObj(proto) { function F() {} F.prototype = proto._proto_ return new F() } ``` 因为Object.create()传入的参数是一个对象,我是这么理解的
I find a solution, maybe it helps. ` 删除 ` Adding an attribute "href". According to `Hello world!` 则会渲染为` Hello world!`