As we need even more flexibility, I introduced more parameters for `hotfix-finish` and `release-finish` in order to have different merge-options for production-branch and development-branch.
> What is the need for this feature? When we're "updating" one of our clusters, we're in fact rather setup a new one, deploy everything on it and switch the...
I second this request! Although its possible to specify an existing PV (via `volumeName`) in the `volumeClaimTemplate.spec`, that's not that helpful, as every instance of the StatefulSet creates a new...
Sorry for the late response. > Actually the 1.1.1 encrypted file is possible to decrypt with 3.0 without problems - just drop the -S option from the command line. Indeed...
I've done a quick-and-dirty port to Plasma 6 in my fork: It has some (IMO minor) issue, but basically works (at least on my machine ^^). Maybe I'll open...
> Providing metadata with .desktop files is deprecated. Please run "desktoptojson -i > /home/docb/buildservice/SimpleMonitor/plasma-simpleMonitor/plasmoid/metadata.desktop" > to convert the file to json and remove the desktop file You sure, you're on...
> CPU temperatures only show for the first 4 cores on mu 8-core system That might also be due to the way, the temperatures are fetched now - using the...