kirti purohit
kirti purohit
Can I help in adding a `good first issue` tag?
Nah, It can't yet. A feature request.  And it would be nice if chatGPT could generate basic images like the above. ## Idea for a feature request. - A...
Yes, exactly what I meant. I tried it on this [site]( can we integrate this is into chatGPT or people are already working on it? : D
How can I contribute to it?
I'm not unknown to Rust and Js, yes indeed a beginner. I can try my best to help some seniors with building, testing, references, ideas, readmes, and documentation.
Hii I'm looking to contribute here, trying to understand the things first
Hii I was wondering if you guys could have a file which shows how to run the project files & tests for any specific case? Shall I open a...
I'm facing some issues in understanding the code, is there a discord channel or somewhere I can ask silly doubts? : P
> but there are still some improvements Tell me some rough improvements, I'll add it
Yes, I've added the `tailwind.config.js` and after that, it gives me the error to `private key`