
Results 2 comments of IoanaIvanova

It is reproducible on my side with your simple workflow example with steps defined [here]( The `argo version` command return as follow ``` argo: v3.2.4+8771ca2.dirty BuildDate: 2021-11-18T05:15:20Z GitCommit: 8771ca279c329753e420dbdd986a9c914876b151 GitTreeState:...

Thanks it is working with version ``` argo: v3.3.8+621b0d1.dirty BuildDate: 2022-06-24T01:56:09Z GitCommit: 621b0d1a8e09634666ebe403ee7b8fc29db1dc4e GitTreeState: dirty GitTag: v3.3.8 GoVersion: go1.18.3 Compiler: gc Platform: darwin/amd64 ``` Could you tell me also from...