LibCST copied to clipboard
Rust parser: Error with parenthesised annotations
The following legal code errors on the Rust parser, but not the Python one:
(n): int = 1
$ python -m libcst.tool print
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
File "...\Lib\site-packages\libcst\", line 863, in <module>
main(os.environ.get("LIBCST_TOOL_COMMAND_NAME", "libcst.tool"), sys.argv[1:])
File "...\Lib\site-packages\libcst\", line 858, in main
return lookup.get(args.action or None, _invalid_command)(proc_name, command_args)
File "...\Lib\site-packages\libcst\", line 279, in _print_tree_impl
tree = parse_module(
File "...\Lib\site-packages\libcst\_parser\", line 109, in parse_module
result = _parse(
File "...\Lib\site-packages\libcst\_parser\", line 55, in _parse
return parse(source_str)
libcst._exceptions.ParserSyntaxError: Syntax Error @ 1:1.
parser error: error at 1:5: expected one of !=, %, &, (, *, **, +, ,, -, ., /, //, ;, <, <<, <=, =, ==, >, >=, >>, @, NEWLINE, [, ^, and, if, in, is, not, or, |
(n): int = 1
LibCST version 1.0.1; Python 3.11.5; Windows