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A concrete syntax tree parser and serializer library for Python that preserves many aspects of Python's abstract syntax tree

.. image:: docs/source/_static/logo/horizontal.svg :width: 600 px :alt: LibCST

A Concrete Syntax Tree (CST) parser and serializer library for Python

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.. intro-start

LibCST parses Python 3.0 -> 3.11 source code as a CST tree that keeps all formatting details (comments, whitespaces, parentheses, etc). It's useful for building automated refactoring (codemod) applications and linters.

.. intro-end

.. why-libcst-intro-start

LibCST creates a compromise between an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and a traditional Concrete Syntax Tree (CST). By carefully reorganizing and naming node types and fields, we've created a lossless CST that looks and feels like an AST.

.. why-libcst-intro-end

You can learn more about the value that LibCST provides <>__ and our motivations for the project <>__ in our documentation <>. Try it out with notebook examples <>.

Example expression::

1 + 2

CST representation::

            value=' ',
            value=' ',

Getting Started

Examining a sample tree

To examine the tree that is parsed from a particular file, do the following::

python -m libcst.tool print <>

Alternatively, you can import LibCST into a Python REPL and use the included parser and pretty printing functions:

import libcst as cst from libcst.tool import dump print(dump(cst.parse_expression("(1 + 2)"))) BinaryOperation( left=Integer( value='1', ), operator=Add(), right=Integer( value='2', ), lpar=[ LeftParen(), ], rpar=[ RightParen(), ], )

For a more detailed usage example, see our documentation <>__.


LibCST requires Python 3.7+ and can be easily installed using most common Python packaging tools. We recommend installing the latest stable release from PyPI <>_ with pip:

.. code-block:: shell

pip install libcst

For parsing, LibCST ships with a native extension, so releases are distributed as binary wheels as well as the source code. If a binary wheel is not available for your system (Linux/Windows x86/x64 and Mac x64/arm are covered), you'll need a recent Rust toolchain <>_ for installing.

Further Reading

  • Static Analysis at Scale: An Instagram Story. <>_
  • Refactoring Python with LibCST. <>_


You'll need a recent Rust toolchain <>_ for developing.

Then, start by setting up and activating a virtualenv:

.. code-block:: shell

git clone [email protected]:Instagram/LibCST.git libcst
cd libcst
python3 -m venv ../libcst-env/  # just an example, put this wherever you want
source ../libcst-env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip  # optional, if you have an old system version of pip
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
# If you're done with the virtualenv, you can leave it by running:

We use ufmt <>_ to format code. To format changes to be conformant, run the following in the root:

.. code-block:: shell

ufmt format && python -m fixit.cli.apply_fix

We use slotscheck <>_ to check the correctness of class __slots__. To check that slots are defined properly, run:

.. code-block:: shell

python -m slotscheck libcst

To run all tests, you'll need to do the following in the root:

.. code-block:: shell

python -m unittest

You can also run individual tests by using unittest and specifying a module like this:

.. code-block:: shell

python -m unittest libcst.tests.test_batched_visitor

See the unittest documentation <>_ for more examples of how to run tests.


In order to build LibCST, which includes a native parser module, you
will need to have the Rust build tool ``cargo`` on your path. You can
usually install ``cargo`` using your system package manager, but the
most popular way to install cargo is using
`rustup <>`_.

To build just the native parser, do the following from the ``native``

.. code-block:: shell

    cargo build

To build the ``libcst.native`` module and install ``libcst``, run this
from the root:

.. code-block:: shell

    pip uninstall -y libcst
    pip install -e .

Type Checking

We use Pyre <>_ for type-checking.

To verify types for the library, do the following in the root:

.. code-block:: shell

pyre check

Note: You may need to run the pip install -e . command prior to type checking, see the section above on building.

Generating Documents

To generate documents, do the following in the root:

.. code-block:: shell

    sphinx-build docs/source/ docs/build/


- Advanced full repository facts providers like fully qualified name and call graph.


LibCST is `MIT licensed <LICENSE>`_, as found in the LICENSE file.

.. fb-docs-start

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

- `Privacy Policy <>`_
- `Terms of Use <>`_

.. fb-docs-end


- Guido van Rossum for creating the parser generator pgen2 (originally used in lib2to3 and forked into parso).
- David Halter for parso which provides the parser and tokenizer that LibCST sits on top of.
- Zac Hatfield-Dodds for hypothesis integration which continues to help us find bugs.
- Zach Hammer improved type annotation for Mypy compatibility.