
Results 5 comments of Insomniac80

> All you need to get this to work is to generate a compilation database from PlatformIO. > > * install the plugin in VSCode > * PlatformIO > Advanced...

Finally I had time to take a deeper look (VSCode 1.66.2, Windows 10, PIO 5.2.5, Java 15.0.2). I created a brand new project: board Lolin32, Framework Arduino. Kept the mainly...

I have discussed this in [the SonarLint forums]( and this was the result from one of the devs: > I would better check [...] why temporary response files end up...

Have not updated here until I have a clue, actually discussing the problem in the sonar forum thread linked above: [Link to discussion](

Update: with the actual version of SonarLint (3.9.0) and PlatformIO (Core 6.1.4) it works: If SonarLint asks for configuration first create a compilation database in PlatformIO (Project Tasks -> Advanced...