@kamilmysliwiec maybe create metrics nestjs module with [appmetrics]( to export metrics nodejs app and nestjs some metrics as some standart. Who need to export to prometheus / influxdb get info...
How to declarate modules in bundleUrl ? Like a simple angular module or do you need to export this module ?
@Abrissirba add to providers array in module
@NormySan The solutions provided in the issue works fine. It`s problem not of NestJS it`s problem people how works sessions.
Example project how to use session in NestJS
use IMDSv1 version - that's worked for me
@xinw0911, thanks for the answer ``` [Container] 2020/03/25 06:45:51 Running command ipAddress=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' sample-postgres) [Container] 2020/03/25 06:45:51 Running command telnet $ipAddress 5432 telnet: Unable to connect...
But it works in AWS CodeBuild ( non local )
@joni- I am not using OSX, I use Fedora 32
We also faced such a problem (