
Results 97 comments of ImreSamu

> But I couldn't find any reference for that to be true in Myanmar or Liberia. * Myanmar : no "st" value * ( maxweight : 19 keys )...

> Seems like Myanmar & Liberia could be removed from that condition Actually, I don't have an opinion on what the default conversion should be. (Root cause thinking) If it...

@nvkelso : > wave does Hungary have a modern web portal > for downloading administrative boundaries (polygons) in shapefile or GeoPackage format? with an open License? I don't know about...

As I see Mapbox is analyzing this type of problems. * discussion [mapbox/osm-compare/145:"Analysing overlapping features in OSM using tile-reduce"]( * code:

@orca-hydromancer : > How about now? in the curent alpine:3.17 no cgal package yet: *

Hi @orca-hydromancer > Is it a requirement it be a package in alpine? (my personal opinion) Ideally: - it is advisable to use the existing packages, - and try to...

good news: `sfcgal` in the `alpine:edge` ( "edge" is a development branch ) * ``` ~$ docker run -it --rm --network=host alpine:edge / # cat /etc/alpine-release 3.18_alpha20230208 / #...

Since this issue is quite old and Postgis 9.6 is no longer supported, I am closing this issue. If you have any new information related to this, please let me...

> Hello.....? I'm stumped. I'm not sure what else to say. Bump, please! @nitrag : Work in progress ... * see: * test images: * test repo:

@djmakwana: > I am downloading all new files today There is a small chance, but due to time zone differences, the "today" you mentioned might coincide with the data update...