
Results 97 comments of ImreSamu

@nyurik: in theory it is a good idea, but when [I checked the best practice in the upstream repo]( .. I realized that : the "**multi-stage"** builds is _"heavily discouraged...

@odidev : question: As I see 6 images have been removed from the CI matrix; Is it possible to keep them only in the `linux/amd64` version? A few hours ago...

Hi @QuanJingHong ! > `make: /bin/sh: Operation not permitted` + alpine based [on similar issues]( it is probably an `Alpine 3.14` + `faccessat2` issue : * _"Therefore, Alpine Linux...

> "variable not found in subplan target list" This is similar to your issue: _"With yesterday’s release of PostgreSQL 11.15, 12.10, and 13.6 (presumably 10.20 and 14.2 as well),...

the new `postgis\postgis` images were created with the latest PG 14.3, 13.7, 12.11, 11.16, and 10.21. ( merged PR ) Please re-test !

imho: we need some risk assessment, because the upstream image ( `postgres`) is not supporting this method ( or this is not the recommended way ) see: ;

> I'd like to see input from others TLDR: We need a Roadmap & I prefer a full list of wanted extensions .. * `PGPOSTGIS_loading_extensions=postgis,hstore,unaccent,btree_gist` IMHO/Details: We need a *...

@nyurik : I have created a workaround for hacking `/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/` see **"hacker example"** in the so you can add your customised file with as a simple volume file: *...

Hi @lemanko, Thanks for posting this issue! * The `llvm11-dev` is OK in the last CI/CD: * 12-3.1-alpine : * with: `docker build --pull -t postgis/postgis:12-3.1-alpine 12-3.1/alpine` *...

imho: try with a bigger chunk size ( `--chunk 10000000` ) in some cases the default is not enough