Elan Ernest
Elan Ernest
> But there are many matplotlib functions where the alpha channel of the color input is ignored and the opacity is controlled globally by a separate parameter. So in most...
I'm remilestoning this to keep it on the radar.
You might accidentally have deleted the 3 backticks (```) needed to close the code environment, such that the graphics is not shown correctly. xref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51611163/text3d-rising-or-descending-with-same-zdir-matplotlib-python-plot-figure One should note here that...
@WeatherGod The issue is rather that the text goes from bottom towards the top for some labels and from top towards the bottom for others. It looks like that is...
Someone published [this recipe](https://bastibe.de/2016-05-30-matplotlib-font-cache.html) about it. Not sure in how far this qualifies as "expected" though.
I've tested with basemap v1.1.0 and matplotlib 2.0 and the issue is the same as in the post above. So if you think it's a matplotlib issue, what could go...
As shown in https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/13725 this seems to be an issue in matplotlib 2.2.2, which has been fixed in matplotlib 2.2.3.
Can someone please comment on how to obtain `lcrnrx,llcrnry,urcrnrx,urcrnry` given that I have `llcrnrlat=-10,llcrnrlon=-10,urcrnrlat=10,urcrnrlon=10`? Usually you may get `x,y` as `x,y = m(lon,lat)`; however, if you need to know these...
I suppose one can work around by not creating any gallery for those Aliases at all, ``` {% if objname not in ['AliasOfFoo', 'OtherAlias', 'NextAlias'] %} .. include:: {{module}}.{{objname}}.examples .....
I created an example showing the issue. This can be found here: https://github.com/ImportanceOfBeingErnest/sphinx-mwe There are two folders, one works just fine, the other contains a line creating an Alias class...