python2 里面并没有FileNotFoundError。应该改成IOError会更好点
feature needed!
streaming API not response this
same as https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain/issues/1560, I believe this issue should be closed.
this is the limitation of chatgpt, the prompt is too large
建议使用英语,因为GPT英文能力更强。但是对于用户的Prompt可以支持多语言。 I believe GPT model have better performance in English Task, But Prompt for User should support Multiple Language.
check your network, 'openaipublic.blob.core.windows.net' is belong to openai/microsoft
> Network issue is hard to debug, maybe you should call ISP
The issue cause by Tiktoken, the library need download dictionary when first load. It is not related to any API keys. If you are not in China, it is a...