Hugo Zilliox

Results 11 comments of Hugo Zilliox

Hi @AizeLeOuf Thank you for your PR! I wasn't able to reproduce your issue. To be sure : you have to click again after you've selected the correct date on...

Hello @AndreaAlbanese Thank you very much for your PR regarding issue #90 I'll give a check and try to understand the related issue part (I don't use it so I'm...

Hi @asoltesz I'm glad my plugin gives you so much ideas and we can definitely add some to improve the plugin! Don't hesitate to submit your PR if you already...

Hi @dalekgamma Thank you for your feedback and idea Do you know any other plugin that use this system to save its configuration ? It would really help me better...

Hi @michaelmueller-binary Thank you really much for your PR. Your solution is a must have for the plugin 👍 I currently rewrite it to be more performant and I'll use...

Hello @Utopism That could be a good idea but the mechanism to update a specific issue from the global list would be different from what is done in this plugin....

Hello @ballanz89 Do you have any JS error in your console ? When you say "Double custom field", which is the exact type ? By default you have : Boolean,...

- Have you tried disabling your other plugins to check if there is not any conflict with them ? (Enabling them one by one to check which one give this...

Thank you for the tips and the whole test process you've performed ! I'll try on my side to check if there's any possibility to avoid this conflict with this...

> But nowhere is it written that during installation I must turn it on. > Therefore, this must at least be specified in the documentation, or the plugin must work...