I am a rookie but it seems that something is to working as expected from the manual: ``` julia> f[2] File: file.fits HDU: 2 Type: Table Rows: 20 Columns: Name...
The problem is due to BinaryProvider which returns 'unknown'. However, BinaryProvider seems to be no longer active, so I am in a sort of Catch22 situation. How to solve? (I...
Hello, I am a julia rookie, so I lost a fair time to discover that the inconsistent results I got from a FITS file produced by a colleague were due...
(@v1.10) pkg> status Distributions Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml` [31c24e10] Distributions v0.25.107 --------------------------------------- Precompiling project... 17 dependencies successfully precompiled in 19 seconds. 301 already precompiled. 1 dependency had output during precompilation: Distributions →...