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Does REViewer plot reads from off-target regions?
I ran EHv4 on the FXN locus, using 2 repeat specs which are identical except that the 2nd one includes GAA off-target regions:
"LocusId": "FXN-chr9-69037286-69037304-GAA",
"LocusStructure": "(GAA)*",
"RepeatUnit": "GAA",
"ReferenceRegion": "chr9:69037286-69037304",
"VariantType": "RareRepeat",
"OfftargetRegions": []
"LocusId": "FXN-chr9-69037286-69037304-GAA-with-off-targets",
"LocusStructure": "(GAA)*",
"RepeatUnit": "GAA",
"ReferenceRegion": "chr9:69037286-69037304",
"VariantType": "RareRepeat",
"OfftargetRegions": [
These are the EHv4 results in the (relatively rare) WGS sample where the genotypes from the 2 specs differed significantly between no-off-targets:
chr9 69037286 . A <STR9>,<STR110> . PASS END=69037304;REF=6;RL=18;RU=GAA;VARID=FXN-chr9-69037286-69037304-GAA;REPID=FXN-chr9-69037286-69037304-GAA GT:SO:REPCN:REPCI:ADSP:ADFL:ADIR:LC 1/2:SPANNING/INREPEAT:9/110:9-10/63-153:2/0:5/13:0/12:42.016851
and with off-targets:
chr9 69037286 . A <STR33>,<STR726> . PASS END=69037304;REF=6;RL=18;RU=GAA;VARID=FXN-chr9-69037286-69037304-GAA-with-0.01-threshold-off-targets;REPID=FXN-chr9-69037286-69037304-GAA-with-0.01-threshold-off-targets GT:SO:REPCN:REPCI:ADSP:ADFL:ADIR:LC 1/2:FLANKING/INREPEAT:33/726:33-111/658-1313:0/0:13/13:4/108:42.016851
I then ran REViewer for both outputs, and got these plots
finally, this is the plot from when I used the standard FXN repeat spec included in the EHv4 repo:
I'm wondering how to interpret the "with-off-targets plot". In REViewer docs, I saw
..the current version of REViewer visualizes repeats whose span does not exceed the fragment length (longer repeats are capped at the fragment length).
Does REViewer not plot the off-target FRRs?
Thanks -Ben
That's right. The current version of EH does not generate graph alignments of in-repeat read pairs (both mates inside the repeat). To account for the absence of these reads, REViewer caps the repeat size estimate at the fragment length. However, your example (with-off-targets) shows that sometimes the size of the repeat needs to be reduced further.
For now, we could cap the repeat size in a better way that would make both plots (with-off-targets and no-off-targets) look the same. Of course, a better solution would be to enable EH to output alignments of in-repeat read pairs.
I see, that makes sense. Thanks.