Cyrius copied to clipboard
TypeError: 'NoneType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
Hello, I have been able to succesffully run Cyrius on many samples. However, one sample I get the error shown below. Any thoughts on the cause? PyPGx and Aldy were both able to call this sample as *2x2/*4.
!python3 {cyrius_path} -m {manifest_file} -p cyrius_1152285 -g 38 -o cyrius_results
INFO:root:Processing sample 1152285 at 2023-11-13 15:07:38.992327
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jupyter/workspaces/pharmacogenomichaplotypecharacterization/bin/Cyrius/", line 562, in <module>
File "/home/jupyter/workspaces/pharmacogenomichaplotypecharacterization/bin/Cyrius/", line 530, in main
bam_name, call_parameters, threads, count_file, reference_fasta, index_name=index_name
File "/home/jupyter/workspaces/pharmacogenomichaplotypecharacterization/bin/Cyrius/", line 362, in d6_star_caller
bamfile, cnvtag, haplotype_db["g.42127526C>T_g.42127556T>C"]
File "/home/jupyter/workspaces/pharmacogenomichaplotypecharacterization/bin/Cyrius/caller/", line 339, in call_var42127526_var42127556
for _ in range(var7526_cn):
TypeError: 'NoneType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
Thanks, Andrew