Ihor Shevchuk
Ihor Shevchuk
It looks like you should provide more details on how you integrate CropViewController to resolve this issue. I wasn't able to reproduce this issue. However, based on your screenshot, I...
Hi @zstanecic, This is what I have for now. My plan is to add functionality based on demand from users of this xcframework. I also have a plan to add...
@zstanecic do you mean implementation of voiceover to help people with disabilities to use their device? I am not sure if it is possible to have custom voiceover implementation, since...
It is worth noting that Apple is most likely going to expand list of nativity supported languages in iOS 16. https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2022/05/apple-previews-innovative-accessibility-features/?fbclid=IwAR1YjoMN1SB4q7labgxzMWc5C5fd03hbcMjf8xLF07kJLKYioJUb_3Eejso Maybe @zstanecic, it just make sense until Apple adds...
Sorry, but I thought of RHVoice as a library. What features should be included into RHVoice iOS to consider it as separate iOS app?
The only use case, that I see from my little iOS experience, is that users of iOS RHVoice could use share menu to "share" some text to an app to...
Hi @beqabeqa473, Could you please share some keywords on how I can find this Xcode example?
Thanks, @gut4. It should be helpful!
Hello @UniverseFly, would you mind sharing more details on what actually does not work well? Are you observing some errors?
I vote for using [FetchContent](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FetchContent.html) that is already built into CMake and will not bring one more additional tool that will require support. But I am not sure if this...