Igor Tatarnikov

Results 10 comments of Igor Tatarnikov

It seems there are some issues with the obj files for the Kim atlas. I sampled a few other random areas and there's a high chance that the obj files...

I would agree, it seems to be an issue with the generation. We should transfer it to `bg-atlasgen`!

Regenerating the meshes seems to fix this issue. ![Kim_50_ACB_New_Smooth](https://github.com/brainglobe/bg-atlasgen/assets/61896994/2cd90e5a-2a91-4389-9e26-12a6c3acd812)

I think this may be an underlying issue with the atlas meshes themselves, see [brainglobe/brainglobe-atlasapi#236](https://github.com/brainglobe/brainglobe-atlasapi/issues/236)

Fixed in #281 ![Screenshot 2023-11-28 171107](https://github.com/brainglobe/brainrender/assets/61896994/20ce043c-7de0-426c-9116-bab3363b322c) ![Screenshot 2023-11-28 171156](https://github.com/brainglobe/brainrender/assets/61896994/80ca2d61-9c0e-4b1c-a9f3-29b5188a6226)

Success! I was able to replicate the failure on an Ubuntu 22.04 VM with 4 GB of RAM and 4 cores. More clues in the full trace: ``` ================================================================== FAILURES...

Seems the error itself is sporadic! ``` _______________________________________________________________ test_callbacks ________________________________________________________________ signal_array = dask.array background_array = dask.array, no_free_cpus = 0 def test_callbacks(signal_array, background_array, no_free_cpus): # 20 is minimum number of planes...

Interestingly, I couldn't reproduce the failure no matter how I played with the n_free_cpus parameter. Could only reproduce in the VM. Setting the tests to run with 1 free CPU...

It seems to lie at the intersection of low core count machine with JIT compilation disabled in `numba`. If I set the VM core count to 8 I can no...

Numbers from the paper, original cellfinder with a tensorflow backend, default model (lighter points) vs retrained model (darker points) ![cellfinder_paper_numbers](https://github.com/brainglobe/cellfinder/assets/61896994/d39e8fb1-70d8-4b51-8817-30d00cb6f26a) `cellfinder`, torch backend, default model (lighter points) vs retrained model...