
Results 6 issues of IgorKha

Have a question or an idea? Please search it [on our forum](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/discussions) to make sure it was not yet asked. If you cannot find what you had in mind, please...


Приветствую, спасибо за хороший продукт! :) Ранее была версия qbittorrent-nox 4.2.5 и все работало c 4.5.2 `connection failed` Если руками стукнуться в API qbittorrent-nox (`/api/v2/torrents/info`), то оно открывается, порты открыты,...

### Description Hello! How can I use localized links i18n (``) to `` and children components?


this not work: https://github.com/nuxt-ui-pro/dashboard/blob/f94a5ff02a11ed27793136becc5e28dce45ad66a/components/UserDropdown.vue#L86 but this work it: ``` Signed in as [email protected] ```

hello! I noticed incorrect file size calculation on the web page, and it would be cool if symbolic links could be seen more explicitly My config: ```config :80 { root...

bug :lady_beetle:
help wanted :sos:
good first issue :baby_chick:

Good afternoon everyone! I am using a multilingual module (`@nuxtjs/i18n` and I use `prefix_and_default` strategy) and I have encountered the problem of multiple routes repeating in the config for each...
