return_sparse_embedding arg exists in BGEM3ForInference, but cannot pass this arg from BGEM3FlagModel
Same sentences can always get a "1" simirlar score like dense way but not a score less than 1 and change with different sentence content. Different sentences can get an...
Hi, I want to know that you fine-tune the llama2 model with totally different prompt template from Meta as below: To get the expected features and performance for the chat...
JCL中出现 造成伤害-Buff添加 的子序列,实际表现却为先造成的伤害吃到了后刷新的BUFF,能否增加刷新频率保持精度? 可以考虑删除类型19, 20:技能施放日志,技能施放结果日志。这两者占据了50%-80%的日志内容,且对分析帮助不大