@slarson - Sure! Do you want the average, or do you want a bunch of trials? How many? How accurate does the timing need to be (sync between video and...
More pertinent than the data size on disk is that we have a library of about 80,000 initial tap withdrawals (i.e. the first time that worm has ever seen a...
@slarson - Sure. How long do you want before and after the tap? (Note: you can't have more than 10s after the tap before the next tap arrives.) I assume...
@slarson - Okay, but that's only around 30 frames. I don't think I'll be able to get to it this week but next week should be possible.
@slarson - It's near the top of my to-do list but a couple of other things came up. I'll probably have the data in hand on Monday or Tuesday next...
This is a really unfortunate feature interaction between `view` not memoizing and `IterableOnceOps` assuming that if it keeps asking for iterators it keeps getting the same iterator. There's no justification...
The book should be fixed. The more convenient way, almost always, to do "`tailOption`" is to do `drop(1)`. It doesn't cover every possible use case, but it covers enough so...
There are a variety of ways to solve this experimentally instead of with quiet hardware. For instance, you can halve the number of iterations and run the whole thing twice....
It's there (in my repo only) because it's a work in progress. There are still collections that aren't covered, and methods that aren't covered, and the way to invoke it...
@SethTisue - I can help make this happen, but I'm not really the right person to get it into any particular place. If it's going into the main repo, it...