Hi, In the code: ```python loss1 = 0.5 * (ce_loss(outputs1[:args.labeled_bs], label_batch[:][:args.labeled_bs].long()) + dice_loss( outputs_soft1[:args.labeled_bs], label_batch[:args.labeled_bs].unsqueeze(1))) loss2 = 0.5 * (ce_loss(outputs2[:args.labeled_bs], label_batch[:][:args.labeled_bs].long()) + dice_loss( outputs_soft2[:args.labeled_bs], label_batch[:args.labeled_bs].unsqueeze(1))) ``` for ce_loss, it fetch...
Hi, I would like to ask whether Fixmatch algorithm supports 3D medical image dataset. As in the code, there seems to be lack of a 3D input version. Is it...
Thanks for your nice and clean work! When I tried to understand your code, I found that ``` b_size = real_image.size(0) real_image = real_image.to(device) label = label.to(device) real_predict = encoder(...