
Results 16 comments of Ice9Coffee

I have the same problem. I'm training with the Scribble Dataset. The loss of G_L1 is always 0.00. Fake_B (view in visdom) are first just the input with a gray...

Looking forward to your training dateset & code, as well as the pytorch version.

尝试一下 Quart==0.14.1 Werkzeug==1.0.1

感谢!正式迁移时可作为参考。 service层最近有些改动,同时导致了bug #193 ,可能无法直接合入

Good idea. Daemon is very useful! But for docker, Hoshino need to direct access to custom RESOURCE_DIR, you should also make a link. More tests required. Hoshino is designed for...

I know. But RESOURCE_DIR is custom. It doesn't have to in `~/.hoshino`. You should add more tips in

我觉得docker比较适合作为发行版,或许可以直接放到docker hub上,但缺点在于需要经常去维护。 现在的Dockerfile是将代码和配置文件拷贝到容器中,这样并不方便去修改零碎的config.json配置文件,或许可以考虑开一个新的branch,Dockerfile从这个branch拉取精简版的hoshino(仅包含不需要额外config.json的功能)来实现一行命令直接部署;同时也免去了升级的问题,删掉旧容器重建即可。

config.json是各插件独立的,插件的功能不同其中的结构也不同。比较简单的仅存放一个AUTH_KEY,而复杂的则存了多个列表、字典(如gacha/config.json),我想这不是简单修改环境变量就能调整的。 我的想法有2个,一种办法是提供精简版的docker image,仅保留无外部依赖的功能;另一种办法是将代码目录也进行映射,这样以后维护config.json时才能更加方便。 或许你可以参考NoneBot的文档->[部署](,将酷Q与Hoshino一起部署。

Yes, you delete it indeed, but it is still tracked by git. The size of the repo increased, and someone else could revert this commit.

群中看到了你们的讨论,感觉可行。 提供下代码片段?