ibrahim ben lakhal
ibrahim ben lakhal
// Initialize RAFT resources and stream pool raft::resources res; raft::resource::sync_stream(res); std::shared_ptr stream_pool = std::make_shared(min_thread); raft::device_resources resources(rmm::cuda_stream_per_thread, stream_pool); //Creating graph in the gpu using cugraph #pragma omp parallel num_threads(min_thread) { #pragma...
raft::resources res; int n_streams = raft::resource::get_stream_pool_size(res); #pragma omp parallel num_threads(MIN(m_threadMax, v_edgeWeight.size())) { int threadNum = omp_get_thread_num(); #pragma omp for for (int i = 0; i < v_edgeWeight.size(); i++) { int...
rmm::device_uvector d_edge_srcs(srcs.size(), stream1); rmm::device_uvector d_edge_dsts(dsts.size(), stream1); raft::update_device(d_edge_srcs.data(), srcs.data(), srcs.size(), stream1); raft::update_device(d_edge_dsts.data(), dsts.data(), dsts.size(), stream1); std::optional d_edge_weights{std::nullopt}; cugraph::graph_properties_t properties{.is_symmetric = true, .is_multigraph = true}; bool renumber = true; cugraph::graph_t graph(handle1); std::optional...
### How to Identify Subgraphs Based on Non-Connectivity in cuGraph Hello, I'm working with cuGraph and trying to segment a graph into subgraphs based on non-connectivity of vertices. i found...
### Why does cuGraph BFS Return All -1 in Predecessors When Launched with All Vertices as Sources? I'm using cuGraph's BFS algorithm to explore a graph, and I've set up...
### Is this a new feature, an improvement, or a change to existing functionality? Improvement ### How would you describe the priority of this feature request High ### Please provide...
Added Vertical Timeline react component