Issue: Broken java jre link Correction: new link https://download.oracle.com/otn/java/jdk/7u80-b15/jre-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz Notes: Great python script for this, I found it from the master thread.
I have two cameras using the same firmware (but different version) as you all. I have been following this for quite awhile. I noticed that the dev of the app...
**Describe Your Environment** - Version of ZoneMinder release version v1.34.16. - How you installed ZoneMinder Docker Container https://hub.docker.com/r/quantumobject/docker-zoneminder/ - Full name and version of OS - Browser name and version...
if you want to use a private repo, you can't use something in the format of [email protected]:evolvingweb:"port"/my-secret-repo.git or [email protected]:evolvingweb:"port":/my-secret-repo.git I tried editing my 'redmine' users .ssh/config to make this work...
For some reason when i put the [email protected]/example.git the the plugin uses the root account to access the git server. why doesn't it use the redmine account which owns the...