Possibly have a bitwise --verbose Level on the command line where options can be configured. 1 FPS Processing speed 2 Display Chapters 4 Display % of source file processed 8...
Is it worth having the delimiter between the section as TAB (ASCII 9) as opposed to a space for later parsing, (not sure how shell handles this) Another possible option...
The Image entertainment Catalog LDS file on the server (Banana1/Misc/) has a large sections of frames with varous background colours, usually a minimum of 100+ sequential frames per colour. ld-decode...
There is now a PAL+ sample on the sftp in my area /uncalibrated/Misc/trinitron.ldf Captured on an uncalibrated player by third party and DdD EFM decode loses sync every few seconds.
I have managed to get a log from the boot of my laptop. Laptop is dual boot Win10 and 20.04 with GRUB 4 windows. This causes the Ubuntu to load...