Ian Moroney

Results 17 issues of Ian Moroney

When windirstat is installed via chocolatey, it doesn't create start menu shortcuts, a desktop shortcut or get added to the path. These features are important from a usability standpoint, and...

Updated readme as the instructions were missing details about enabling github app authentication when installing the helm chart instead of manually applying it. Added more detailed instructions for the manual...

**Describe the bug** Similar to #761, when I use 0.9.0, I get `unable to connect to Chrome` **Expected behavior** `0.9.0` should have ran the LHCI test. Rolled back to `0.8.0`...

Fixes: ``` A Native Collection has not been disposed, resulting in a memory leak. Allocated from: Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1:.ctor(Byte[], Allocator) UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandlerRaw:.ctor(Byte[]) PlayFab.Internal.d__12:MoveNext() (at Assets\Libs\PlayFabSDK\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabUnityHttp.cs:116) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabUnityHttp:MakeApiCall(Object) (at Assets\Libs\PlayFabSDK\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabUnityHttp.cs:106)...

Chrome Version 80.0.3987.162 Extension V3.3.1 It seems that either in the popout window, or the main TronLink extension window, when a sign request comes in, and you choose any time...

When using the metricbeat sql module against Azure SQL using sql authentication, I am able to get it to push an event into elasticsearch, and then the driver seems to...


##### SUMMARY When using > win_firewall_rule it seems that when you try to re-run the ansible code, it fails, saying the rule exists but has different values. ##### ISSUE TYPE...

I noticed that `ct lint` calls yamllint to validate Chart.yaml, but when it spots a warning or an error, it doesn't tell you which line it is: ``` >>> yamllint...


updated Junit to lowercase junit. If the reporter is used as "jest-Junit" in a linux build agent, the test runner throws a `module not found` error related to Junit. Setting...