
Results 15 issues of IamExperimenting

Hi, I'm working on object detection with 10 classes. Is it a good practice to set up individual IoU thresholds for each class? and then generate the mAP value? has...

I would to understand folder structure. can someone help me with the folder structure?

@abhyantrika , hope you are doing great. I have a question on "how to train the deep sort model using custom dataset" . Let's say, I have 3 classes namely...

## ❓ Question I want to install ```torch_tensorrt``` python API in ubuntu 20.04. could you please provide step by a step installation procedure? I tried ```pip3 install torch-tensorrt -f https://github.com/NVIDIA/Torch-TensorRT/releases```...

component: build system
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component: dependencies

Hi, Could you please help us to understand from where this .pb file is generated? is it possible for you put a separate tutorial to generate?

Hi team, Firstly, thanks for your repository. I would like to save the model in torchscript module format rather than the traditional way. when I try to save the model...

Hi @kaanakan, thanks for implementing this. Could you please post some sample ground truth and predictions data. So we can refer that produce the same.

Hi, Can anyone tell me how to train a model like chatgpt and interact with it? like ask a question and get a response from it? I have huge datasource,...

Hi, I have a question regarding Byte-Pair Encoding - Special tokens especailly, I have 1780 file with me which is my domain dataset, do I need to mention 1. in...

Hi @karpathy Again a big thanks from a self-learner. I always as a self-learner wanted to have a mentor to guide, clarify concepts in DL world but unfortunately I never...