Adam Jowett
Adam Jowett
Considering how I feel when it is time to setup another monolithic framework for a new job, the name is completely appropriate. Great work mate.
Super late on the reply I know (3.5 years!). No session close line at the moment, but I'll add it to the list of todos.
They were removed due to a bunching issue in certain situations that I could not solve at the time. I'll look into solving that issue shortly.
@iulianmids can I confirm which version you are currently using please?
@iulianmids thanks, are we talking about select boxes here or, dropdowns made from lists as per the example in the /example folder? I'll look into it.
@iulianmids looks like your reply was cut off, let me know and I'll do what I can to see if it is still an issue.
I'll grab an iPhone 6 and give this a test to see what is going on, nothing springs to mind just yet.
Of course @devm33 will be adding them shortly.
Hi @vaske, Without seeing a code snippet I am guess here a little, but it sounds like the reason would be that the location change is happening before the function...