Wow, thank you very much for your quick response. If you need extra info, just ask.
Yes it is! Thank you
Hello, JorgeyGari. I entered this post expecting a barely started translation so I'm amazed at your progress! I feel so grateful that the very least I can't do is to...
Well, I already did. Found myself stuck after the cat GIF. I will wait for your answer better. Thanks for your work again
Hi again. Aside from the blocker bug, I did screenshots of the dialogue glitches and other things. If you wish, I propose you to organize ourselves to playtest the game...
Ok, then i will begin testing bottom-up, all-third-choices then all-second-choices then all-first-choices, without haste. Talk to you soon.
Here all third-choices as screenshots: https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=kZgjKQkZ7qKxf5jj4VpVpzdjbeozVfBKVqgy Feel free to ignore every suggestion that you don't find fitting (I may like commas a bit) I will be update that folder and...
By the way, here is the link to directly **playtest** this Spanish version: [https://jorgeygari.github.io/anxiety/](https://jorgeygari.github.io/anxiety/) It may be a bit difficult to find since clicking the link at the top don't...
Second choices revised
First choices revised. Just four screenshots :) You're welcome, @JorgeyGari, it has been great to work with you!