When any RDM frame is received via RX pin wifi disconnects until hardware reset.
Been having issues getting datGUI to display non pixelated in my own apps compared to the examples. The window resolutions match and comparing code with the examples everything looks fine....
Unable to use multiple strips, data appears on both lines. Sample Code ```` #include WS2811 ws2811_Strip1(14, 50); WS2811 ws2811_Strip2(15, 50); void setup() { // start led strip ws2811_Strip1.begin(); ws2811_Strip2.begin(); }...
Hey Claude Have had a bunch of issues with the latest commit. I started fresh on a second MacBook, Arduino 1.8.13. Downloaded ESP32 Arduino 1.0.5.-rc4 and installed via board manager,...
Flickering issue when writing slots to FastLED LEDs, Works fine with this library [](luksal/ESP32-DMX-RX) haven't had a chance to narrow it down to anything specific with the LXESP32DMX library ``````...