When loaded after other plugins, the `amx_FindPublic` hook ignores their custom implementations and handles the calls in the standard way. The reason is that the base `amx_FindPublic` *must not* be...
Sorry for asking here, but how do I open the game in AGS when its main file is game28.dta?
BLAKE3 is internally a Merkle tree, which means that individual hashes are computed from the binary chunks (the Merkle leaf node) which are then combined to eventually get the root...
Hello, I would like to report two issues that I have found that cause problems with plugins that follow the [GCA](, including PawnPlus, YALP, and potentially others. The first is...
Thanks for the immense work you have done on the port, and all its new capabilities! I have wondered whether it would be possible to modify the 3D in another...
This query returns "true": ``` PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: ASK WHERE { GRAPH ?g { a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty . } } ``` So does this one: ``` PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl:...
Uploading this triple: ```turtle @prefix ex: . @prefix xsd: . ex:entity ex:val "P18Y3M"^^xsd:duration . ``` The literal, representing 18 years and 3 months, gets *converted* when added via Quad Store...
Datatype links are the only links that are not displayed with a label taken from the database, and not linking to a `/describe` page first. This changes that so that...
Custom datatype is not shown when the value is treated as a string. When there is no language and it is not `xsd:string`, it should be displayed.
The `/describe/` service of the faceted browser turns every IRI that ends on a common image extension to an embedded image. Can this feature be disabled or controlled somehow? Disabling...