Thanks to RetroPlug LSDj could be easily designed to be accessible if reading out names of parameters and cursor position would be available to visually impared, and/or through some other...
Normal LSDJ sync fails to sync versions that are software overclocked (LSDJ running 4x tempo while on normal clockspeed) and those that have different clock speed. I think problem would...
LSDj is able to achieve different pitch range on different clock speeds (like lower pulse pitch when underclocked) so having option to change it per instance would be very welcome!
Since lack of building instructions I thought of writing my own, please use it as you please and feel free to adjust! Also, so my suggestion don't get lost, I...
Apart from noobie shock that after downloading source I was missing Catch2 dependency in the package (as its softlinked? no clue how exactly github works sorry) and downloading current Catch2...
The noise bug - implemented glitch from hardware - is interrupting my song-making a lot. I use LSDj, customizing my noise drums for each song and with recent Sameboy I...
Would it be possible to adjust clock speed of emulated hardware? Not just speed of emulation but whole core/hardware, together with pitch range going up(overclocked)/down(underclocked) behaviour (so for example we...
Audio examples for most elements of each sound channel would greatly help to understand what it actually does and put it in some hearable perspective, but also present how some...
As big EviL noob I had no idea that `(setq evil-want-C-i-jump nil)` has to be placed _before_ `evil` is loaded, so I'd like to recommend to **specify** placement of this...
"Extended Graphics" here being the menu borders, wave graphics and text headers, shared between all 3 fonts. Regardless if the tickbox is on/off, importing full/extended symbol sheet will automatically overwrite...