@carrierlxk Hi, Xiankai, I am confused about the inference procedure on DAVIS17 and YouTubeVOS, would you mind sharing the inference or test code for multi object segmentation? Thanks.
I go thru the reproduce.sh, found the TTA is 1 for model is model_a_01. And see your comments is here, so want to get more detail, what is the fault?...
cls_prob = np.mean(cls_prob[-17500:])
There is compile issue in model_builder_hook.py, but it still can get the result base on readme. it might be the error is exclude by "if else", so it no big...
I see the conf is very clearly. So want to know it's your customize config, or a popular format. https://github.com/pudae/kaggle-understanding-clouds/blob/master/configs/model_b_00.yaml
i always get a error when i run ``` python run.py train or python run.py train -f ``` File "run.py", line 36, in train run_train(config) File "/data1/felix/kaggle-understanding-clouds/kvt/apis/train.py", line 251, in...
@Huangxt57 Would you mind sharing the extracted feature for training set with me? Therefore, I can train the model by myself. Thank you.