**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Sometimes when I go to start a print the filament confirmation box appears and does not allow me to select...
I got my HomeKit integration working today, thanks to the newest beta release of Home Assistant Core, 0.115.0b6. My sensors were working on this beta until I setup HomeKit. I...
Fix the 'you' typo in my recent pull request to 'your' for "your device."
I am receiving the following errors in the logs for this integration. I'm not sure if this is something that needs to be fixed, but I thought I would report...
Any chance that UPCItemDB and OpenFood will be integrated, or something similar, to allow for easily adding new products by searching the internet for product UPC's? There is an iOS...
I would love to see this make its way into a Home Assistant integration.
I have tried and failed to get the Wifi credentials on my ESP8266 to save multiple times. I decided to open the serial monitor to see if I could find...
It appears this custom component has been abandoned. Apologies if this is incorrect of me, but I noticed there are 8 contributors. Are any of you willing to take over...