
Results 18 comments of IFcoltransG

Idris provides inline syntactic sugar for changing one field of a larger record: `recordName {fieldName = newValue}` and `recordName {fieldName $= functionToApply}` both return a new record, with one field...

There's four different ways you might want to change a data structure: you might replace a field with a new value, or you might pass its old value through a...

This matches what I had hoped for, if you'll excuse the pun. The plan is set out logically and workably. The only uncertainty I have is the idiom for combining...

If we return to one of the example I gave above, "in the 'name' field of the fourth item of the first item of my data, read/change that." For a...

For implicit lambda syntax, you could replace the `:` with a `->`. Or if `{age -> age - 1, name: value "Calvin"}` is too misleading, any other arrow shape would...

> I expect transformations to primarily be named functions; in other words, instead of writing `{ age -> age + 1, .. }`, you'd do ` { age: Natural::increment, .....

I'm unsure if that solves the syntax problem. Let's say I have a record with a `foo` field of type **A**. An update function for it might look like `update...

I think I understand: you've removed the `update { foo: foo + 1 }` syntax for non-pointfree updates. That code would now have to look something like `update { foo:...

Some more information: on the Firefox JavaScript console it says `Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://gpt2-mtg-dstdu4u23a-uc.a.run.app/. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).`

It may be to do with [this line](https://github.com/rotty/lexpr-rs/blob/28b0e078f2c70e4ee92eb6f21fa1ceae5eb7c2e7/serde-lexpr/src/value/de.rs#L71) that doesn't visit symbols as identifiers.