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Robot Falled off in Simulation

Open kaicongw opened this issue 10 months ago • 1 comments


I was trying to run simulations after I installed ros2_SimRealRobotControl following all the steps in the ReadMe (including the new IFRA_LinkAttacher ROS2-Gazebo plugin). However, when I launched the Gazebo simulation environment or the Gazebo + MoveIt!2 environment, my robot always falled off without maintaining its home position. I could not run any other programs to contorl its movements as well. What could be the reasons?

I tried the following command:

ros2 launch ros2srrc_irb120_gazebo layout:=ros2srrc_irb120_1 endeffector:=RobAlone

ros2 launch ros2srrc_irb120_moveit2 layout:=ros2srrc_irb120_1 endeffector:=RobAlone

These were some of the log messages:

[ERROR] [spawner-7]: process has died [pid 10964, exit code 1, cmd '/opt/ros/humble/lib/controller_manager/spawner egp64_finger_left_controller -c /controller_manager --ros-args']. [INFO] [spawner-8]: process started with pid [11008] [spawner-8] [INFO] [1711945806.801040381] [spawner_egp64_finger_right_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [spawner-8] [INFO] [1711945808.817141369] [spawner_egp64_finger_right_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [spawner-8] [INFO] [1711945810.833380512] [spawner_egp64_finger_right_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [spawner-8] [INFO] [1711945812.848078482] [spawner_egp64_finger_right_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [spawner-8] [ERROR] [1711945814.865378198] [spawner_egp64_finger_right_controller]: Controller manager not available [ERROR] [spawner-8]: process has died [pid 11008, exit code 1, cmd '/opt/ros/humble/lib/controller_manager/spawner egp64_finger_right_controller -c /controller_manager --ros-args'].

kaicongw avatar Apr 01 '24 04:04 kaicongw

I am having the same issue. I suspect a dependency was updated.

case-a2 avatar Apr 15 '24 21:04 case-a2

you can refer to this issue , it is exactly the same error . That got resolved .

chytra3 avatar May 02 '24 06:05 chytra3

IFRA-Cranfield/ros2_RobotSimulation#26 (comment)

you can refer to this issue , it is exactly the same error . That got resolved .

Thank you so much! It worked. I got it solved using the method you mentioned. Using the 0.4.6 version of ros-humble-gazebo-ros2-control is the key.

kaicongw avatar May 07 '24 22:05 kaicongw