I tried both, as i have both libe_sqlite3.so and libsqlite3.so in the /usr/lib
Thank you, the little program works, do i have to use "ugly" or its just for debugging? I will try to integrate it again.
i changed the batteries_v2.cs file like this: [batteries_v2.cs.txt](https://github.com/ericsink/SQLitePCL.raw/files/4488178/batteries_v2.cs.txt) please note that I had to change the code to this : ``` class NativeLibraryAdapter : IGetFunctionPointer { readonly IntPtr _library; System.Reflection.Assembly...
where else can I integrate the code inside the SQLitePCL.raw code? as far as i understand there is a chain of dependencies, when in the higher c# code someone access...