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CanReg5 is a multi user, multi platform, open source tool to input, store, check and analyse cancer registry data.

Results 30 CanReg5 issues
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I am not able to log after initial installation , server can't be added to the list despite the server running. the error i get is "server connection not OK"...

Hi, Im facing an issue on Canreg 5 on my new server. So im trying to move Canreg5 to a new server. But the problem is when i try to...

Could not log in to the CanReg Server on localhost with the given credentials. Login Failure : all modules ignored. Help!!!

Hi. I have exported three tables, patient, tumor and sources. I have 30,000 records. When i import the data into an emptied database, i get a report that all data...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Right now, all the cancer patients in CanReg as treated "in a vacuum". **Describe the solution you'd like** In order...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently you can enter a patient date of birth. However you need to calculate the patient age in years outside...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When you have multiple patient information to enter, you need to do this by hand. **Describe the solution you'd like**...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Right now you cannot store documents related to a patient. **Describe the solution you'd like** It would be great in...

Implement a cleanup procedure for empty records in the database. - Remove empty records: no patient nor tumour nor source info. - Remove empty tumours but don't delete the patient....

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