Irbaz Ahmed
Irbaz Ahmed
`comments` also have the positive/negative (or approve/disapprove) property in addition to the content. MAL indicated this by using a light grey color as background for positive comments and light red...
> Is there a better alternative terminology to fansubbers? Don't think so. Even [wikipedia]( uses the term fansubber: > The practice of making fansubs is called fansubbing and is done...
Nope, no neutral, just 2 states: grey and red.
Thanks for the tip about I have been using anidb since MAL removed fansub info.
This would only work as a separate/miscellaneous feature instead of a full fledged fansubs endpoint on the main api. You're right about this being low priority and having very little...
> I don't have any idea how, but I think some update must have broken qBittorrent. The frequency of this issue increases with the number of torrents I have in...
> > I don't have any idea how, but I think some update must have broken qBittorrent. The frequency of this issue increases with the number of torrents I have...
> @minhngoc25a @myfingerhurt @IA21 **Can you still experience this issue with latest qBittorrent v4.4.2 that has Qt5 and Libtorrent 2.0.5+?** > > If you still do, then please try this:...
> About 5 days ago, I started downloading and seeding around 78 torrents consecutively. Off topic but is this because of a certain tracker celebrating its anniversary? 🙂
Do we really need to support people who use IE? Aren't they the same people who post annoying stuff like "seed please" and complain about playback issues which would be...