Phạm Đức Huy
Phạm Đức Huy
Looks like they've abandoned the project. Last update was in 2021. Facing the same problem. Used to work fine before.
I met the same problem, can't create any ractangle for labeling at all ``` p.drawLine(self.prev_point.x(), 0, self.prev_point.x(), self.pixmap.height()) TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call: drawLine(self, QLineF): argument 1...
> Not sure if you've read my question entirely. It's about the quantity of the condition, not how to add condition to a cart item
> If you want to achieve this, you should somehow save the second and the third product with different ID, so they won't get under the condition like the first...
If we do not use database to store user's shopping cart, what do you think we could use to store it?
Same question, ``` public function has($key) { return DatabaseStorageModel::find($key); } ``` I don't even know how $key is generated and how to change it
I solved this problem on Google Colab by using absolute path. Generally if you follow the direction, your path would look like something similar to following: ``` /content/darknet/data/obj/train_img.jpg /content/darknet/data/test/test_img.jpg ```