Huta R Banjade
Huta R Banjade
Could you please provide some tips to calculate CPEG? It would be a great help to beginners like me.
Hi, Thank you so much for this nice tool. I wanted to download papers in HTML format, how can I use it for such a purpose? Thanks.
I use robocrys SiteAnalyzer method to determine the coordination environment of a site in the crystal as follows. bonded_structure = y.get_bonded_structure(structure_from_cif) motif_type = SiteAnalyzer(bonded_structure).get_site_geometry(0) This method captures many environment types....
The following error arose when I run this code **phis = broadcast_model( # Fit with two components, a linear background, and a Lorentzian peak [AffineBackgroundModel, LorentzianModel], # fit across the...