I tried the latest version and have the same issue
I was able to go back in version and the last working version is v2022.5.1001601848. Post this version it does not work.
Yes every version post v2022.5.1001601848 does not work
@DonJayamanne - Do you have an update on why versions after V2022.5 are not working on VSCode / FreeBSD ?
> > V2022.5 are not working on VSCode / FreeBSD ? > > This should work, my only guess is you are using VS Code OSS and perhaps something hasn't...
I have spent quite a good amount of time over the weekend to triage this issue. I re-installed older versions of my working VS Code from cache and none work...
@DonJayamanne - sorry did not realize there were two variations / flavors of VSCode. Unfortunately for FreeBSD we have OSS version only ported.
Tried the latest version v2022.10.1102881143 and the issue prevails. Let me know what I can share that will assist triage this issue. The last version May 2022 works without any...