Hunter Belanger
Hunter Belanger
Hello, My name is Hunter, and I am new here to the NJOY2016 project. I am currently a PhD student at CEA Saclay, working on Monte Carlo transport methods. As...
Hello, I have had some problems reading the ACE files for Cd115m1 in lib80x (all temps). It appears that for MT 91, the outgoing energy distribution (for an incident energy...
I recently processed all of JEFF-3.3, and upon trying a few benchmarks, I noticed that Cr50, Cr53, and Cr54 all had a similar problem in the generated ACE files. Each...
# Description This PR is an initial attempt to adding native Windows support to OpenMC. With these modifications, I have been able to compile vanilla OpenMC on Windows, using both...
# Description This PR adds the ability to perform Gaussian Energy Broadening (GEB) on tallies while performing a simulation, instead of needing to do it as a post-processing step. To...
Currently, this documentation states that for level inelastic scattering, LDAT(1) = (1+A)\*abs(Q)/A, implying that LDAT(1) should always be positive. This is typically true as Q values are generally negative, but...
This fixes the incorrect form for the normalization constant of the Maxwellian distribution, and the incorrect form for the Evaporation distribution (see #19). The note which stated that the two...
For LAW=7 (Maxwellian), the definition of the normalization constant I does not match the definition found in the ENDF manual. For LAW=9 (Evaporation), the form of the distribution does not...
This PR addresses the issue that Wim mentioned in #16 , and adds the information about the representation of the distribution data given for the fraction of the max energy...
## Description Currently, when defining a lattice component in a geometry, all tiles or cells of the lattice must be filled with a universe. We are currently now able to...