Tinaël Devresse

Results 22 comments of Tinaël Devresse

Hey there! That's a quick response. What I am willing to do is basically create a service that uses Supabase as a dependency. However I usually try to not register...

The dependency injection (DI) software design pattern is often used in C# with the .NET framework. It is considered the standard way of working with dependencies in your code in...

As an addition and because I now see that I did not mention it before: **I need interfaces in order to unit test my components** and this cannot be done...

@acupofjose Like you said, the changes on each repository would represent **a huge breaking change**. To summarize everything so far: I have created this issue for a need of myself...

> @HunteRoi I've created a PR on the gotrue-csharp repo for you to review. The docs are currently placeholders as the plugin that was suggested requires (AFAIK) the pro version...

It would be good to use a work-around to JSONize ES6 Map objects. A simple one is to change the map to an array of arrays containing key-value pair as...

Hey there @Plac3hold3r ! Any news about this PR?

May I... up this? :eyes: