Since I don't have a receiver yet I use an old Logitech 5.1 speaker system for my PC and use my mce remote/keyboard to controller the master volume. It's a...
Get the same error here. I've played quite a few games via Proton and have never seen this error before.
> > > As far as I've seen, those with AMD cards can play via Proton and those with Nvidia cards can not. That's weird. I wonder why?
Can anyone help me get this built on Manjaro Linux?
> @Hunk4TH I cannot help you sadly but at least make sure to use that repo for your attempt at building Dolphin for linux: > > Good luck! +1...
@Soapsuds Sounds good! I was thinking of an appimage as as well. I think that would probably be a better solution. What "kinda works"?
@Soapsuds you still working on this? I've been so busy lately haven't had a chance to check out the appimage yet. Sorry for the late response.
> Nope! It's done :) link is in the update links discord or right here! > > Dm me on discord if you notice anything weird with it! Wow...
Same issue here with my Xbox One S on my Steam Deck. Shows the Xbox in standby. Works fine when powered on though.