Do Trong Hung

Results 10 comments of Do Trong Hung

Same issue. But i only loading 50 items (include text, images using lazy load) has raise error: Out Of Memory. Please help us fix it. Thanks

@MuhammedRefaat **Did you fix it?**

@vishrut2207 Thanks so much! I'm edit code in StickerView class in constructor and add > setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); It's worked

When I'm applied your code into my project, then I run project always recieved error: " Cannot run program "/data/app/": error=2, No such file or directory"?

> @HungTDO check this [#361 (comment)]( It's worked! Thanks so much!

@ceozhu After a period of research and testing, This is my code was used to be solve: ``` private void startSavePhoto() { final String TEMP_FOLDER = AppConst.PATH_FILE_SAVE_PHOTO + AppConst.PATH_FILE_SAVE_TEMP; ExtraUtils.createFolder(TEMP_FOLDER);...

If you want to save full resolution of image when applied filter. Use below: ``` private void startSavePhoto() { final String TEMP_FOLDER = AppConst.PATH_FILE_SAVE_PHOTO + AppConst.PATH_FILE_SAVE_TEMP; ExtraUtils.createFolder(TEMP_FOLDER); final String TEMP_FILE_NAME...